Monday, May 22, 2006

Chelsea Flower Show 2006

Rain rain go away...
This year has been rain wind cold more rain and gusts off wind and a tiny bit of sun. No sooner have you but your umbrella away and got a camera out spots of rain appear again.
I'm voting in the BBC's People's Choice Award for the Africa garden this year. I love the red colour of the soil and the concept behind the garden and the charity Garden Africa. Their aim is to reduce poverty and malnutrition in Africa by creating 1001 training and resource gardens across Southern Africa. They have a really good website with links to the Chelsea garden
I like seeing unusual plants from different parts of the globe - far more interesting than a new variety of pelargonium. Whilst I'm not a fan of show gardens that recreate a scene like an olde worlde cottage this little piece of Africa is sympathetic and authentic as parts of it have been created by Garden Africa's training partner, Zimbabwean John Nzira.
Whatever medals are awarded tomorrow I think all the gardeners deserve a prize for 'Achievement in adverse weather conditions'.
Special thanks to my assistant Nikki today for chasing after me around the show and for putting up with the bad weather.

BBC presenter Carol Klein and crew interview specialist daffodil grower.

Cut and blow dry for irises

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